Discontinuous Centrifuges


Buckau-Wolf discontinuous centrifuges are used in the production of white sugar and raw sugar massecuite in the sugar industry, dextrose, mannite, xylite, isomalt and fructose massecuite, sugar substitutes, suspensions of similar consistency in the chemical and food industries

Drum design

Buckau-Wolf discontinuous centrifuges have a very lean drum design. The Advantages are as follows:

  • Maximum separation performance through very high spinning factors of up to 1,500 g
  • Colour removal of up to 98 %. The residual moisture in white sugar massecuite can be reduced to as little as 0.5 %.

Minimal usage of water and energy

Buckau-Wolf discontinuous centrifuges work with minimal water resources to avoid sugar loss and extremely low power consumption of less than 1 kWh/batch in the production of white sugar.

Discontinuous centrifuges for beet and cane sugarBW 1300SBW 1500SBW 1750SBW 2000SBW 2250S
Drum capacity (dm3 /batch)762965110013501410
Drum diameter (mm)12701350143016251625
Speed (rpm)1245/13301210/12901175/12501100/11751100/n/a
Spinning factor (g)1100/12501100/12501100/12501100/12501100/1250

Nom. massecuite quantity* (t/| h)3342475861
Batch time/number 0 (sec./batch/h)2727272727
A-product and raw sugar

Nom. massecuite quantity* (t/| h)3038445456
Batch time/number 0 (sec./batch/h)2525252525

Nom. massecuite quantity* (t/h)2431354345
Batch time/number 0 (sec./batch/h)2222222222

Main Benefits

  • Excellent ease of operation due to low housing height
  • An easy sampling of the white run-off, green run-off, and sugar at the operator level
  • Long service life through well-dimensioned bearings with a reinforced drum shaft
  • Robust, low-vibration bearing construction. Drive motor and bearing at the same level, therefore no relative movement to each other

In addition, BWS Technologie GmbH offers an option to integrate a monitoring system for continuous analysis and diagnosis of all rotating parts as well as a function for the automatic transfer of status and error messages via text message or e-mail.

For More info

Below you find a selection of our brochures and datasheets. For further insights or information contact us, we’re here to help!